COMMUNITY FOR ALL Hijaz Community welcomes everyone from society irrespective of religion, nationality, gender, age, social class, educational background or profession.  We believe in creating a community that is ready to help develop, nurture and guide everyone within it.  The aim of Hijaz Community is to ensure that every human being makes a definitive improvement in their life and is ready to share that value with others around them.  It is only through the quality of the individual that one can ensure a truly enriched community. Hijaz Community is founded on the universal principles emanating from Islam.  One of these principles is that Muslims and Non-Muslims are invited to embark on a path to rejuvenate their mutual destinies.  Non-Muslims are welcomed as guest members to seek a true meaning to their life, rather than simply conforming to a set ideology. Members who follow Islam are encouraged to question the basis of their adherence to its fundamental principles and ensure that their affirmation of faith stems from a process of reasoning rather than a process of pure narrative. 
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